Washington: The US and China have agreed to coordinate closely on taking appropriate action against North Korea's "provocative" behaviour, after the reclusive nation claimed it has successfully conducted its first hydrogen bomb test.


US Secretary of State John Kerry and his Chinese counterpart Wang Yi discussed over phone, the "highly provocative" nature of North Korea's actions, and its grave threat to international peace and security, State Department spokesperson John Kirby said.

"The Secretary and Foreign Minister Wang agreed that the United States and China would continue to coordinate closely in the UN Security Council and with partners within the Six-Party Talks framework to take appropriate action," Kirby said yesterday.

Meanwhile the White House confirmed that US will be in consultations with its allies in the region, including South Korea, about an appropriate international response to North Korea's "blatant violation" of multiple UN Security Council resolutions.

"This is also something that is being discussed at the United Nations around the table of the Security Council. We'll continue to consult closely with our friends and allies as we determine an appropriate response," White House Press Secretary Josh Earnest told reporters yesterday.

A day earlier, US National Security Advisor Susan Rice, met the Chinese Ambassador to the US at the White House.

The Administration has been in in touch with Chinese officials, including the National Security Advisor who spoke to the Chinese Ambassador to the United States on Wednesday.
"China wields more influence over the North Korean regime than probably any other country in the world. And we certainly want to work closely with them to determine an appropriate response," Earnest said adding that US is looking upon China to exert its leadership to put pressure on Pyongyang.

"What I think is notable is that we have seen some unanimity of opinion across the international community about how what North Korea has done is provocative and a flagrant violation of their international obligations and certainly of a variety of UN Security Council resolutions," he said.