Moscow: Russian President Vladimir Putin has said that his country`s more than five-month military operation in Syria had been a success, with the upper hand on the battlefield returned to the Syrian Government and with Syrian counterpart Bashar al-Assad ready to make the compromises necessary for a peaceful settlement.


Putin, who ordered a partial withdrawal of Russian warplanes from Syria earlier this week, said Russia has kept some forces in Syria to support the Syrian Army`s action against other extremist groups.

Putin, who was speaking to a gathering of more than 700 military officers at the ornate St. George`s Hall at the Kremlin in Moscow at an awards ceremony for some of those who participated in the Syria campaign, reports New York Times.

While praising cooperation with the US in negotiating a ceasefire that began on Feb. 2, Putin warned that the remaining Russian military in Syria would be ready to act against any group which would violate the ceasefire.