Olympic champion Sushil Kumar's trouble continues as a Delhi court on Friday extended the judicial custody of the wrestler till July 9. The two-time Olympic winner is currently lodged in jail for his alleged role in the murder of wrestler Sagar Dhankar outside Chhatrasal Stadium in May.


As per fresh developments, Sushil will now be shifted from the Mandoli jail to Tihar. Amidst all this, photos of cops taking selfies with the accused wrestler have surfaced on the internet, leaving many amused.   

Here are a few reactions:

As per a report in PTI, Sushil was produced before Metropolitan Magistrate Mayank Aggarwal at the end of the 14-day judicial custody. 

Sushil, along with his associates, allegedly assaulted Sagar Dhankar and two of his friends at the stadium on the intervening night of May 4 and 5 over an alleged property dispute. Dhankar, 23, succumbed to the injuries later. 

The accused was nabbed on May 23, along with his associate Ajay Kumar Sehrawat. Till now, he has undergone police and judicial custody of 10 and 23 days, respectively. A total of 10 people, including Sushil Kumar, have been arrested so far in connection with the incident.