India's golden boy Neeraj Chopra, PV Sindhu and many other top athletes from the country are sponsored by the Indian Sports Ministry so that they fully focus on their game to bring glory to the nation. Many top athletes have been training outside of India to be at their A-game at the Paris Olympics 2024.


The Sports Ministry has spend good amount of money for the training and preparation of athletes who are top medal contenders in their game. India will take part in 16 sports during the event with 117 athletes and 140 support ready to travel to Europe.

Here's a look at how much the Sports Ministry has invented in the Indian athletes taking part in the Olympics...

Indian men’s hockey team

Training base: SAI NCOE Bengaluru

Total amount: Rs 41.81 crore

Neeraj Chopra


Training base: SAI NSNIS Patiala/Europe

Total Amount: Rs 5.72 crore

Badminton men’s doubles

Training base: Pullela Gopichand Badminton Academy, Hyderabad, Telangana

Total amount: Rs 5.62 crore

PV Sindhu


Training base: Prakash Padukone Badminton Academy, Bengaluru

Total Amount: Rs 3.13 crore

S Mirabai Chanu


Training Base: SAI NSNIS Patiala

Total Amount: Rs 2.74 crore

Anish Bhanwala


Training base: SAI Dr. Karni Singh Shooting Range, New Delhi. (Paris 2024 Olympics: Indian Schedules, Fixtures, Dates, Timing)

Total Amount: Rs 2.41 crore

Manu Bhaker


Training base: SAI Dr. Karni Singh Shooting Range, New Delhi

Total Amount: Rs 1.68 crore

Aman Sehrawat


Training Base: Chhatrasal Stadium, Delhi

Total Amount: Rs 56.50 lakh

20-year-old Aman Sehrawat is India’s only male wrestler at the Paris Olympics.

Antim Panghal


Training Base: SAI STC, Hisar, Haryana

Total Amount: Rs 66.55 lakh

Vinesh Phogat


Training Base: Pratap School, Kharkhoda, Haryana

Total Amount: Rs 70.45 lakh

The Paris Olympics 2024 will begin on 26th of July but the archers will be in action on July 25 for the ranking round. Multiple Indian athletes will be in action on July 27 as well after the opening ceremony the day before that.