India's Nishad Kumar secured a silver medal in the men's T47 high jump final at the Paris Paralympics on Monday morning. Kumar, who previously claimed silver in Tokyo, recorded his season-best jump of 2.04 meters to finish in second place. Townsend-Roberts of the United States claimed the gold medal with a season-best jump of 2.08 meters, pulling ahead of India's Nishad Kumar. Russia's Georgii Margiev took home the bronze. 


Meanwhile, India has accumulated a total of seven medals at the ongoing Paralympics, including one gold, two silvers, and four bronzes. On Sunday, Indian parasprinter Preeti Pal added to the medal count by securing bronze in the 200m T-35 event with a time of 30.01 seconds. 

The 2024 Paralympics features India’s largest contingent to date, with 84 athletes competing across 12 sports. This increased participation reflects heightened medal expectations, as the nation aims to surpass its record-breaking performance at the Tokyo 2020 Paralympics, where India secured 19 medals, including five golds, eight silvers, and six bronzes.