New Delhi: Model-actress Poonam Pandey has shared a glimpse from her Karwa Chauth celebrations with husband Sam Bombay, hours after she was booked for shooting an "obscene" video in Goa. The picture features the couple posing for a selfie while being casually dressed. "Hey Husband, happy Karwa Chauth," she captioned the post.


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On Wednesday, the women's wing of Goa Forward Party filed a complaint against Poonam Pandey for allegedly shooting a "porn video" at Goa's Chapoli Dam. An FIR was also lodged against an unknown person for shooting the video in question. 

Meanwhile, earlier in September, Poonam Pandey featured in headlines for the domestic violence case she filed against Sam Bombay. She claimed that he molested, threatened and assaulted her. 

The incident happened in Goa, where she was shooting for a film. Sam was then arrested. However, he was granted conditional bail a day later.

Sam Bombay is a producer. He and Poonam Pandey married in a private ceremony in September.