New Delhi: Renowned Bollywood actress Shree Pradha, who worked in Bhojpuri films and television shows succumbed to COVID-19 related complications. Cine And TV Artistes’ Association (CINTAA) mourned her sudden and untimely demise. 


#CINTAA expresses its deepest condolence on the demise of #SriPrada (Member since March 1989) 

CINTAA General Secretary Amit Behl told The Times of India, "The second wave of covid has taken too many precious lives. What has already been written in the media about the people who have passed away don't need to reiterate but yes Sripada was a senior member of our fraternity."

"She has done incredible work down South and as well as in Hindi cinema. It is very unfortunate that we have lost a very senior actress. We pray that her soul rests in peace. We also pray that the second wave of the pandemic doesn't snatch too many precious lives especially from our trade."

Shree Pradha, who is also known as Sripada, worked in almost 68 films spanning her illustrious career. 

In Bhojpuri films, she worked with superstar turned politician Ravi Kishan, who mourning her demise, told The Times of India, "Very sad. She was my co-artist. She had a great nature, very humble and decent. May God give her family the courage to bear her loss every day".

Shree Pradha and Ravi Kishan worked together in Hum Toh Ho Gayi Ni Tohar which released in 2015. 

Shree Pradha worked in television shows as well and one of her most noteworthy performance was seen in Doordarshan's Sansar, Aparajita, Waqt Ki Raftar among others. 

May her soul rest in peace!