Varun Dhawan and Janhvi Kapoor are on a promotional spree for their upcoming film Bawaal. The Nitesh Tiwari directorial is scheduled to premiere on Amazon Prime Video on July 21. The movie, which has a World War 2 connection, has been jointly produced by Sajid Nadiadwala and Ashwiny Iyer Tiwari. Ahead of the film’s release, Janhvi and Varun’s on-screen chemistry has been grabbing the eyeballs. Their recent monochrome photos on Instagram have left fans gushing over them. In the photos, both actors can be seen sharing an amazing chemistry as they pose with each other.

Varun Dhawan And Janhvi Kapoor’s Stunning Photoshoot


The recent pictures shared by Janhvi Kapoor and Varun Dhawan are all about sizzling chemistry and stunning looks. While Janhvi can be seen in a short, strapless dress, Varun went for a cozy white vest. In one of the pictures, Janhvi can be seen holding Varun’s hands while resting on his shoulder. The duo has set Instagram on fire with onlookers going gaga over the amazing pictures.

A user expressed, “They look so good together” while another commented saying, “Too hot to handle.” One user also wrote, “Bawaal chemistry hai.”

Varun Dhawan And Janhvi Kapoor’s Bawaal Chemistry

Earlier, a video of Varun Dhawan and Janhvi Kapoor went viral. The video was captured at the preview of the film. It showed Varun noticing that Janhvi’s make-up needed to be fixed and without any hesitation, he helped her while posing for the paparazzi. The actors, in the video, can be seen exchanging smiles. Janhvi was wearing a stunning shimmery gown with a plunging neckline. With minimal makeup and a bright infectious smile, Janhvi made heads turn at the event.

Bawaal Screening Attended By Bollywood A-listers

Besides the star cast of the film, the screening was attended by their families and friends. Varun Dhawan attended the event with his wife, Natasha Dalal. Janhvi Kapoor’s sister Khushi Kapoor, father Boney Kapoor and brother Arjun Kapoor also graced the red carpet. Moreover, Karan Johar, Avneet Kaur, Rakul Preet Singh and Nora Fatehi were also spotted at the screening of Bawaal.