New Delhi: A few days back TV actor and producer Akash Choudhary faced an awkward situation when a few fans physically attacked him with a bottle while attempting to snap selfies with him. The disturbing video of this incident quickly went viral across social media platforms. The horrifying incident got reactions from TV celebrities like Bharti Singh, Prince Narula, and other concerned netizens. After almost 3 days, Akash has finally broken his silence and has shared his perspective on the incident that had left him initially lost for words.



Recalling the incident Akash expressed, "Life has a way of testing us, doesn't it? Last Friday, I was having an early dinner with my friends when things took an unexpected turn. There were paparazzi and, I believe, some fans who wanted my attention. While I truly appreciate the love and support, I also cherish my personal space. I hoped they'd understand that I needed a moment to talk to the media before posing for photos together.

“Unfortunately, things didn't go as planned. Despite my best intentions, the situation became uncomfortable, and one of the supposed fans even threw a water bottle at me. It was a truly traumatic experience, and it took me a while to come to terms with it. Emotions have been swirling within me – shock, anger, and self-reflection.”

While the actor was deeply shaken by the incident itself, what startled him even more was the reaction of people on social media, singling out a specific community. He shared, “As I tried to make sense of it all, things escalated further when a video surfaced, and some people wrongly associated the incident with a specific religious group. I want to make it clear that what happened had absolutely nothing to do with religion. It's important not to jump to conclusions or spread hate based on misunderstandings.”

Akash disclosed that matters have been resolved and appealed to everyone to let bygones be bygones. He said, “The young 18-year-old who was involved in this incident realized his mistake and apologized to my publicist. Despite my shock, I've forgiven him, and I urge everyone to rise above hate. I must say, I've been overwhelmed by the outpouring of messages and love I've received. It's truly heartwarming.”


Coming to the festive time, Akash Choudhary also welcomes Lord Ganesha into his home every year on Ganesh Chaturthi. When asked about his prayers for this year, he shared, "Ganesh ji is known as Vighnaharta, the divine force that eradicates obstacles from our lives. This year, I'm praying more intensely than ever before. I'm praying that all the hurdles I've faced in my life, from the accident to this recent fan incident, will be swept away by Ganesh ji's divine grace. I pray fervently to Lord Ganesh that he takes away all the Vighnas I've faced and shields me from any future adversities.

“I'm feeling a lot of emotions, and my heart is heavy, but I want to find comfort in the idea that unity, kindness, and forgiveness are powerful forces. The support I've received from my fans, friends, and well-wishers has been truly overwhelming, and it reminds me that love can overcome hate. As we celebrate Ganesh Chaturthi, let's all join in prayer for a world where kindness always wins, where obstacles are removed, and where we can move forward with strength and compassion. May Lord Ganesh bless us all,” he concluded.