MUMBAI: A team of CBI officials probing the death of actor Sushant Singh Rajput on Monday (Augsut 24) once again visited Mumbai's Waterstone Resort. This is the second visit of the CBI to the resort since Sunday.


On August 23, the CBI team was there for over two hours, trying to determine how Sushant behaved during his stay at the place.

According to reports, Sushant's girlfriend Rhea Chakraborty had allegedly made the late actor stay at the resort for nearly two months and had also called a spiritual healer. The spiritual leader had met Sushant on November 22 and 23. 

The CBI today called the spiritual healer for interrogation at the resort. 

As per sources, CBI officials will look for the following clues at the Waterstone resort:

• The duration and frequency of Sushant's arrival and stay at this resort.
• Who all accompanied Sushant during his stay to the resort.
• Who all had visited the actor at the resort.
• Who made the payment for the stay at the resort.
• Did Rhea ever visit the resort after Sushant left from here.
• CCTV footage of the resort during Sushant's stay.

CBI is also questioning and taking statements of a few staff of the resort.

According to reports, CBI officials will on Monday continue to interrogate Sushant's flatmate Siddharth Pithani in connection with the case. 

The probe agency sleuths had on Sunday questioned Pithani, Sushant's cook Neeraj Singh and domestic aid Deepesh Sawant for several hours. These three persons were reportedly present in the flat when Sushant was found dead.

Later in the day on Sunday, officials visited Sushant's flat in Bandra along with Pithani, Neeraj and Deepesh Sawant. Forensic science experts were also part of the CBI team which visited Sushant's home.

This was the second time CBI officials visited the 34-year-old actor's home. On Saturday also, the CBI team accompanied by Siddharth Pithani, Neeraj and Deepesh visited Sushant's house to reconstruct the sequence of events before he was found dead.

The Supreme Court had on Wednesday upheld the transfer of an FIR, lodged by Sushant Singh Rajput's father in Patna against Rhea Chakraborty for allegedly abetting his suicide, to the CBI.

Sushant was found dead in his apartment on June 14. Mumbai Police said he died by suicide.

Later, Sushant Singh Rajput's father filed a police complaint in Patna, accusing Rhea Chakraborty and her family of abetting the actor's suicide and misappropriating his money.