New Delhi: On Durga Ashtami (April 1, 2020) ace comedian turned actor Kapil Sharma took to Instagram and posted a few happy pictrues of his daughter Anayra dressed as a little Kanjak from the Devi puja. This happens to be baby Anayra's first Navratri and the Sharmas celebrated it with much festive fervour. 


This year, Chaitra Navratri started from March 25 and will end on April 2 (Ram Navami). 

Kapil shared the pictures of his daughter's first Navratri from her Kanjak Puja. He wrote: Jai Mata Di  #ashtami #kanjakpoojan #daddysgirl #daughter  #3monthsold #gratitude 

Anayra can be seen in a pink and yellow pretty-looking lehenga choli with colourful bangles and a cutesy headband. 

Kapil Sharma and wife Ginni Chatrath welcomed their bundle of joy, baby girl Anayra on December 10, 2019. Kapil Sharma and Ginni celebrated their first wedding anniversary on December 12, 2019.

On the work front, he is seen hosting 'The Kapil Sharma Show' and it is doing great at present. The popular comedy show is produced by Salman Khan and Kapil Sharma along with Deepak Dhar respectively.