New Delhi: Tamil horror thriller 'Connect' will be releasing in Hindi and the buzz is high. Today, the makers unveiled the trailer of the film and it has already started to grab the eyeballs of the masses including celebrities. Janhvi Kapoor was seen praising the thrilling trailer of 'Connect' and expressing her excitement to watch the film. 


The recently released trailer of Nayantara starrer 'Connect' is garnering a lot of good reviews from the audience. Joining the spree of showering love and praise, the actress Jahnvi Kapoor took to her social media and wrote - "Can't wait for this!!! @wikkiofficial looks too good" 

Having seen the reaction of Jahnvi, the producer Vignesh Shivan reacted to it by saying - "Thank you Jhanvi means a lot :) glad you like it."

Produced by Vignesh Shivan under Rowdy Pictures, 'Connect' is directed by Ashwin Saravanan. The film stars Nayanthara, Sathyaraj, Anupam Kher, and Vinay Rai. The film is written by Ashwin Saravanan and Kaavya Ramkumar and is all set to release on 22 December 2022.