NEW DELHI: Actor Kangana Ranaut, who is famous for not mincing her words when it comes to express her views, was back to her fiery self as she shared a detailed note on social media accusing an 'obsessed mafia nepo kid' for allegedly trying to sabotage her career. The actress levelled some serious allegations in her Instagram story saying that her personal as well as professional details are being leaked. Without mentioning anyone in her note, she accused the 'obsessed nepo mafia clown' of once landing at her door step uninvited and forcing himself on her. While she did not name him, she went on to share multiple details about the person and his wife and their newborn child. 


She wrote in her post that the paparazzi followed her to a dance studio on Sunday despite her not informing them of her whereabouts. "Everywhere I go I am being followed and spied on, not only on the streets even in my building parking and home terrace they put zoom lenses to capture me, every one knows paparazzi only visit stars if they are tipped these days they even started to charge to click actors, my team or I aren't paying them so who is paying them ? In the morning I was clicked at 6:30am, how do they get my schedule? What do they do with these pictures? and now as I finished my early morning choreography practice session no one was tipped to come to the studio yet they all turned up in large numbers even on a Sunday," she said.

Kangana then mentioned that a 'casanova' from the film industry may be behind it. She also mentioned his wife who got her home decorated in the same style as her and also went to wear the same saree she had donned at a family function "I am certain my WhatsApp data is being leaked professional deals or even personal life details, this obsessed nepo mafia clown who once landed at my doorstep uninvited and forced himself on me is a known womaniser and Casanova but now vice president of nepo mafia brigade as well, forces his wife to become producer, do more female-centric films, dress like me even make home interiors like me they even hired my stylist and even home stylists of many years who then refused to work with me," she wrote.

Sharing more details about the couple, she wrote, "Wife is encouraging this obsessive behaviour she even wore the same sari for her wedding that I had worn earlier for my brother's wedding reception, it's beyond creepy. Recently a film costume designer friend (best friend) I knew from more than a decade also had a nasty fallout with me coincidentally he is working with the couple now, my financiers or business partners call off deals last minute for no reasons, I think he is trying to isolate me and put me through mental stress, BTW he keeps her on a separate floor, they both live separately in the same building, I suggest she must say no to this arrangement and keep an eye on him, how is he getting all this data and what all is he indulging in because if he gets in trouble she and her baby will be in trouble as well, she must take charge of her life and make sure he is not indulging in anything illegal. Much love to you dear girl and your new born."

Meanwhile, netizens had mixed reactions to her latest claims on social media. While some of them hailed the 'Queen' actress for her brave and outspoken attitude, others trolled her for trying to get some publicity. 

For the unversed, Kangana has been targeting Alia Bhatt and Ranbir Kapoor on social media. She even once called Alia 'mediocre'. The national-award winner also targetted Alia and Ranbir's film 'Brahmastra' Box Office collections and called it 'fake'.