Washington: Beauty mogul Kim Kardashian was a keynote speaker at the 23rd World Congress on Information Technology convention where she touched upon the subject of social media, a platform she is very active on. 


On Tuesday, the `Keeping Up with the Kardashian` founder spoke about social media and how she has figured out a "balance of sharing" what she wants to."I think at the beginning, I didn`t know what the word `Privacy` really meant. I was very okay with people knowing every detail of my life," she explained."As you get older and you have kids, and you realize you do want to value some privacy, I figured out a really good balance of sharing what I want to share.

"She continued, "There definitely is oversharing, especially when safety can be a factor when there are so many eyes on you. I learned firsthand that if you share too much, it can be a little bit dangerous at times."The 38-year-old star also revealed that she is extra cautious when it comes to sharing pictures of her children and husband on the Internet."I move really cautiously now that I have kids, but I still love to be open and honest and that`s who I am... that`s my brand," she expressed. "There is a way to have both and to share, but not feel like your whole life is being used just for social media. You do have to have balance."