Los Angeles: Best known for his role as Joey Tribbiani on the popular NBC sitcom 'Friends', actor Matt LeBlanc wants to retire from the world of showbiz in early 50s.


The 49-year-old, who will turn 50 on July 25, in an interview with a leading daily said, "I want to retire in m early fifties. I want everything set up. Otherwise you look and go '50! Whooo, where did that go?' I'm beginning to take stock. I want retirement accomplished."

The actor wants to take stock of his life and concentrate on his personal life and spend time with his daughter, Marina, 13, whom he has with his ex-wife, Melissa McKnight.

Sitcom 'Friends' ran from 1994 to 2004 and since 2016, the actor hosted the BBC motoring show Top Gear.