New Delhi: Actor Mohit Raina, who recently recovered from COVID-19, took to his Instagram account to share a heartfelt note talking about the current times, his personal battle withCOVID and about the loved ones he has lost to the deadly virus.


“April ends with a heavy heart , warm smile , gratitude , memories, lessons , Grit and Resolve ..Having lost 2 school friends , 2 college friends , 1 ex-colleague in automobile industry ,1 extended family member and A immediate Fatherly figure,” shared the actor in an Instagram post on Saturday (May 1).

Talking about his personal experience with COVID-19, the ‘Devon Ke Dev – Mahadev’ actor showed gratitude towards all the healthcare workers who looked after him selflessly and wrote, “My personal Longest stay , can’t thank enough the Medanta Lucknow Internal Medicine Team which selflessly works round the clock odd hours in these times With a smile hidden in there PPE kitts .God Bless Them”.

Giving hope to his fans and asking them to hold on, the 38-year-old, spoke about all the tragedies that he has witnessed in his lifetime and said phoenix rises after burning.

“Having personally witnessed a Genocide , Bhuj earthquake 2001 , few natural disasters , 26/11 and Now COVID .... I have come to a realisation which I want to share with all those people who are looking at the roof or window of there room and wondering why us ? “In order to rise from its own ashes, a Phoenix first must burn.” All of us have 86 billion Neurons to fill the power within n RISE . RISE UP MY FRIEND. There will be a tomorrow which will be your TODAY and at that moment you will be PROUD of yourself . Just HANG ON . Love MR,” concluded his note.

Mohit catapulted to fame with his hugely popular mythological show ‘Devon Ke Dev – Mahadev’. The actor was last seen in the 2020 web-series A Viral Wedding and Bhaukaal.