After proving her mettle in Bollywood, actress Alia Bhatt is set to make her mark on the international stage with her Hollywood debut in Heart of Stone. The movie also stars Gal Gadot and Jamie Dornan. This leap in her career is not only a momentous achievement for Alia but also a cause for celebration among her fans. Alia’s father, filmmaker Mahesh Bhatt, was also beaming with pride as he discussed his daughter’s Hollywood debut during a recent interview with ETimes.


Mahesh Bhatt shared his thoughts on Alia’s journey and reflected a conversation he had with his daughter about both the industries — Bollywood and Hollywood.

During his interaction with the entertainment portal, Mahesh Bhatt said that he feels proud to see his daughter stand with international players such as Gal Gadot and Jamie Dornan.

“My heart soars with pride when I see her standing with the who's who of international players like Gal Gadot and Jamie Dornan. To stand there without being pygmied by the idea that it is Hollywood, the young of today don't feel slighted or lesser in anyway when it comes to international talent," he said.

Further recalling an incident when he spoke to Alia about Bollywood and Hollywood, the filmmaker said, "I once asked her what is it that they (Hollywood) have that we (Bollywood) don't have? And her straight reply was 'Money'.”

Mentioning that the actress responded with great humility, Mahesh Bhatt further added that Alia noted how Hollywood has a particular way of doing things and they are very professional but they have money.

"I think that confidence is very important for the nation," she further said. 

Alia Bhatt in Heart of Stone

Directed by Tom Harper, an espionage thriller, Heart of Stone features actors Gal Gadot, Jamie Dornan, and Alia Bhatt in prominent roles. It is believed that the Alia will play the role of an antagonist, who holds the ability to bring the Charter (an organisation) to its knees. The trailer of the film was recently released during the Netflix Tudum event in Brazil, where the lead actors were also seen in attendance.

The film will release on August 11 on Netflix and will be available in English, Hindi, Tamil, and Telugu languages.