New Delhi: Popular Pakistani actress Nausheen Shah is in the news for her explosive statements against Bollywood actress Kangana Ranaut. Nausheen lashed out at the Queen actress on a chat show titled 'Had Kar Di with Momin Saqib'. She opined that the Indian actress talks derogatory stuff about Pakistan without having knowledge about the country. 

'Will Give Two Slaps To Kangana Ranaut...'


On Had Kar Di with Momin Saqib, Nausheen was asked if there was any actor from Bollywood she would like to meet. While replying to this, she took Kangana's name and said, "The way she says sh*t about my country, the way she says a lot of crap about the Pakistan army, I salute her audacity. She has no knowledge but talks about the country, that too someone else’s country. Focus on your own country, focus on your acting, your direction… focus on your controversies and ex-boyfriends and whatnot."

Adding more she said, "How do you know people are mistreated in Pakistan? How do you know about the Pakistan Army? How do you know about our agencies? We ourselves don’t know, the agencies are in our country, the Army is our country’s, and they don’t share these things with us. They are secrets, are they not?'" 

The Pakistani actress did praise Kangana for her brilliant acting skills but called her an 'extremist'. 

Kangana Ranaut's Upcoming Bollywood Movies

On the work front, Kangana has Chandramukhi 2 in the pipeline. The film is set to release on September 19, 2023. She also has Emergency - which marks her directorial debut. The actress will be seen essaying former Prime Minister Of India - Late Indira Gandhi. 

Kangana also has Tejas in her kitty.