New Delhi: Actor Arjun Kapoor and Parineeti Chopra get along like a house on fire. The famous actors, who made their debut together, are currently busy shooting Vipul Amrutal Shah's Namaste England in London. Recently, Parineeti took to her Instagram to reveal Arjun Kapoor's real age the disease he suffers from.


Sharing an adorable video of Arjun Kapoor, Parineeti wrote, "Name:- Arjun Kapoor. Age:- 4yrs. Disease:- Acute annoying syndrome Treatment:- None. @arjunkapoor #NamasteEngland."

In the boomerang video shared by Parineeti, Arjun can be seen playing with a balloon which has Happy Birthday written on it. It is more than obvious that the handsome hunk is trying to annoy his co-star.

Namaste England is a story about two individuals Jasmeet and Param and their journey. It tracks their love story across the landscapes of India and Europe. Starting from Punjab and moving to Ludhiana, Amritsar, Dhaka and all the way to Paris and Brussels and finally to London. It’s a fun quintessential Bollywood flick starring Arjun Kapoor and Parineeti Chopra.

Produced and directed by Vipul Amrutlal Shah, ‘Namaste England’ is scheduled to hit the theatres this Dusshera.