Mumbai: A motley of pictures of actress Alia Bhatt shooting for the Gal Gadot-starrer 'Heart Of Stone' took over the Internet as fans spotted her baby bump. Alia wrapped up the shoot on Friday and shared a thank you note for the team.


Pictures from the film's set in Portugal were shared by fan clubs on social media. In some pictures shared on social media platforms, Alia is seen in khaki jumpsuits in a desert-like setting in broad daylight.

Hollywood star Gal Gadot is also seen in the frame. Gal wore a white tank top in a scene, covering it up with a black jacket in other frames. In the pictures, Alia can be seen holding a gun and at one point, aiming at Gal's character who is lying on the ground in front of her.

Heart of Stone is directed by Tom Harper. The film will release on Netflix.