Mumbai: Actress Rashmika Mandanna who is also known the 'national crush' by her fans. In a recent interaction with, actor Vicky Kaushal was surprised by a video message from the actress. Vicky's reaction to that was extremely adorable. He reflected on his journey of working with Rashmika Mandanna. 


He said, “Rashmika is the only person who can make hearts in 56 ways. But another sweetheart of a person. Humne saath mein hamari agli film Chaava hain where Rashmika and I got to act for the first time together. And she brings in so much positivity on the sets. She is a person like that. So she is beautiful at heart.â€

On the work front, she was last seen in Animal co-starring Ranbir Kapoor and Bobby Deol. Rashmika Mandanna will be seen in the highly anticipated social drama, 'Kubera', directed by the acclaimed national award-winning filmmaker Sekhar Kammula.

'Kubera' features a star-studded cast including Dhanush, Nagarjuna Akkineni, Rashmika Mandanna, and Jim Sarbh. Sekhar Kammula's 'Kubera' is a pan-India multilingual film, being shot simultaneously in Tamil and  Telugu.