New Delhi : Actor Ravi Dubey has taken to social media to share a loving and emotional birthday message for his wife, Sargun Mehta. In a  gesture that perfectly encapsulates their deep affection for each other. Donning a black kurta with a golden jacket, Ravi looks handsome and Sargun, who is an all-time stunner looks lovely in his beige glitter lehenga.  


Taking to social media, Ravi writes "happy birthday to my life, my wife ,my deity, my everything ….I love you my darling"

Sargun Mehta, a celebrated actress and successful producer in the Punjabi film industry, has made significant strides in her career. Ravi’s touching birthday message is a testament to their enduring partnership and the love they continue to share.

The couple, known for their candid and charming social media presence, regularly share glimpses of their life together. 

 With the release of their maiden production, 'Ve Haaniyaan' , Ravi Dubey and Sargun Mehta’s Dreamiyata Musiic have struck gold in the music industry.

This power couple has delivered one of the most beloved and celebrated songs of 2024 and shattered records along the way. Ve Haaniyaan has swiftly crossed 100 million + views on YouTube and even surpassed Miley Cyrus’ Flowers as the most-used track on Instagram Reels.