Los Angeles: Actress Renee Zellweger says singing for "Judy" wasn't easy, but she didn't have time to think about being judged.


The film traces the journey of an iconic star Judy Garland and her career during the last year of her life when she relocated her stage career to Britain. It captures her initial success and what happens when her progress worsens due to health issues. Zellweger is seen as Garland.

"I've never been asked to sing several belters in a row, let alone do a live performance anywhere," said Zellweger.

"I just figured we'd start a year before and work regularly to see if there was any truth to the saying that you really can strengthen your vocal chords like any other muscle. The big thing to remember was that I wasn't doing an impersonation or trying to emulate this great icon," she added.

Recalling the process, she continued: "I started with a voice coach, Eric Vetro in LA; he's an old pal and I love him, so any excuse to stand next to his piano and hang out with his poodle, Belle, is a good one! Then I came over to London and I worked with Eric on Facetime and with Mark Meylan at his studio. Mark actually came to set quite a few times to make sure that I didn't damage myself because if you could do it to your voice, I did it during this process! There was laryngitis, vocal strain, inflammation, and plain old fatigue. Throughout, I continued training with Matt Dunkley our genius maestro mMusical director."

"Those people I worked with took all the fear out of it. I didn't have time to think about being judged; I just had to hush the critics in my head."

An adaptation of play "End of the Rainbow" by Peter Quilter, the Oscar-nominated film "Judy" is directed by Rupert Goold. PVR Pictures will release the film in India on Friday.