Mumbai: Actor Ruslaan Mumtaz has finally reached home in Mumbai after being stuck in Manali due to the floods and landslides. Ruslaan took to Instagram Stories to share updates about his whereabouts. The actor shared a picture of a car coming to him in the basement area of the airport, which he tagged as 'Back to Mumbai'.


He then shared another picture, where he is seen standing in the balcony and the river being over flooded. He captioned it: "Can't believe I was here."  Ruslaan had earlier shared a picture with the owner of the resort, whom he called a "real life hero".

He wrote, "Nakul Mahant - a real life hero. Instead of worrying about losing one of his most precious assets. Nakul made sure that all his hotel guests which included our shooting crew of 40 ppl reached safety." "He made timely decisions and all through this ordeal we had a roof over our head and hot food. His smiling face always made me feel that no matter what i will be safe. This is my first experience of dealing with a natural disaster and my first meeting a real life hero."

He concluded by saying: "You have the prayers and best wishes of all the guests and your staff. We will be back soon to complete our project at @shirarresort and I as promised will be back for a holiday with family and friends."