Mumbai: Veteran actor Sameer Khakhar passed away on Wednesday, at the age of 71. The news of the actor`s demise was confirmed by his brother Ganesh. He informed that Sameer died due to multiple organ failure."He experienced some respiratory issues yesterday morning, we called the doctor home and he asked to get him admitted. So we took him to the hospital and he was admitted to the ICU. He then had multiple organ failures and today at 4.30 am he passed away," Ganesh said.


After learning about the unfortunate event, several Bollywood celebs took to their social media handles and mourned the demise of the late actor. Parineeti Chopra took to her Instagram account and shared a picture which she captioned, "An absolute legend and my favourite co-star. Your love, wisdom and humour made Hasee Toh Phasee and Meri Pyari Bindu my most special..Will never forget your laugh, your straight-faced jokes and most importantly, the invaluable life lessons. Goodbye Sameer Sir, will never forget you."Ayushmann Khurrana shared a picture in his stories and wrote, "RIP #SameerKhakhar JI."

Director duo Raj and DK shared a long note and wrote, "Khopdi from Nukkad had made such an impact on us as kids! He was different and quirky. He was inebriated but always spoke the truth. Then decades later we read his interview, where he mentioned how he longed to get back in front of the camera. And we jumped to get him to do a cameo in #Farzi. The original elan and improv was intact! With each take he tried to do something fun. Just the outtakes were so hilarious. We were lucky to have worked with this maverick actor, even if for one day! May his soul rest in peace! Always in our hearts #SameerKhakhar."

Rajkummar Rao wrote, "Rest in peace sir."Actor Suzzane Bernet tweeted, "Hearing the sad news, all the memories of shooting for Sanskaar Laxmi show with Sameer come rushing back...Gentle, sweet soul. #sameerkhakhar."Sameer Khakhar`s career spanned nearly four decades. He rose to fame with his roles in TV shows `Nukkad` and `Circus`.

He was also featured in `Shrimaan Shrimati`, and `Adaalat`. He also played vital roles in films, including `Hasee Toh Phasee`, `Jai Ho`, and `Patel Ki Punjabi Shaadi`. More recently, he was seen in the Shahid Kapoor-starrer OTT series `Farzi`.