New Delhi: Bollywood superstar Shah Rukh Khan is one of the most popular stars on the globe. The actor, who turns 57 today, has made a sizable fortune over the course of more than three decades as the leading man and face of the Hindi film industry. Shah Rukh Khan's brand value may have declined in terms of numbers, but it hasn't in the eyes of the audience. The actor hasn't had a great last five in terms of box office, and at a time when stars like Salman Khan, Akshay Kumar, and Ranveer Singh are dominating the endorsement charts, Shah Rukh Khan is planning one of the greatest comebacks.


The actor, in the last year or so, has made a comeback with the announcements of his three upcoming films, which has also translated well into the number of advertisements, furthering his net worth.

According to Forbes Rich List 2021, the total net worth of the 'Badshaah of Bollywood' is a whopping 690 million dollars. Now it has to be made clear that Shah Rukh Khan does earn all his money by doing movies. In addition to owning a sports team (Kolkata Knight Riders) and a production company (Red Chillies Entertainment), SRK has diversified his sources of income over the years.  His other sources of income include hosting popular award functions, TV shows, and advertisements.

In terms of comparison to his peers, the net worth of SRK far exceeds that of Salman Khan, Akshay Kumar, or Aamir Khan. According to an article published on the website Celebritysworth, the net worth of Salman Khan, Akshay Kumar, and Aamir Khan is 365 million dollars, 240 million dollars, and 225 million dollars, respectively.

Shah Rukh Khan, who is on a comeback trail, has recently announced three of his movies. It certainly seems like things have improved for the superstar with new movies being announced, which have already increased the buzz around him.