If you are bogged down by the complexities, the madness and demands of life and have been wondering where happiness is, then waste no time in looking for it around? Happiness is a choice that you make and you will find it now where else but within you.


Yes, you read that right. Happiness lies deep within you and you must unleash it to enjoy a great living.

Here are a few tips to be happy –

Stop worrying:

Worrying about things that is beyond your control will do more harm than good to your health and life. Take life as it comes and don’t let yourself get affected by circumstances around. Agony and ecstasy are part and parcel of life. So embrace both with open arms.

Be content:

“I cried because I have no shoes...Until I saw a man with no feet.”

Be satisfied with what you have been blessed with. But that certainly doesn’t mean you stop dreaming. Dream big but don’t get disappointed if they fail to materialise. Thank God for giving you for all what you have, something that the less privileged don’t.

Reach out to the one in need:

Lend a helping hand to those who are less privileged than you. Helping someone quench his thirst by giving them a glass of water or feeding a stray dog can make you feel happy. This will make you feel worthy of being of some help to someone.

Wear a smile:

You must have heard the saying – “a smile is a curved line that sets things straight”. Yes, it’s true. When you smile, you make others smile. Smile is contagious and when you see people smile back at you, you are bound to feel happiness not just around but within too.


Meditation will help you have better control over your emotions, especially the negative ones. The best way to be happy is by governing your senses and not letting them control you. And for self-control, meditation comes in handy.