Mumbai: Gauri Khan, wife of Bollywood superstar Shah Rukh Khan, has always maintained her individuality and strong sense of self in her 33-year-long marriage. Recently, a digitally altered image of Gauri wearing a hijab at Mecca Madina went viral, sparking baseless rumours about her converting to Islam. However, the image has been debunked as AI-generated, creating unnecessary chatter on social media.


This incident brought to light Gauri’s candid remarks about religious identity from a 2005 episode of Koffee With Karan. When asked about her religious stance after marrying Shah Rukh, Gauri clarified that while she deeply respects her husband’s Islamic faith, she has always remained true to her own beliefs.

“There is a balance. I respect Shah Rukh’s religion, but that doesn’t mean I would convert and become a Muslim. I don’t believe in that. Everyone is an individual and follows their religion. Of course, there should be mutual respect. Shah Rukh would never disrespect my religion, and I wouldn’t disrespect him,” she said.

The couple, who have often spoken about the secular nature of their home, ensure that both Hindu and Islamic traditions are celebrated equally. Shah Rukh himself has often emphasised teaching their children to respect all religions, fostering a harmonious family dynamic.

The viral fake image once again highlights the undue scrutiny celebrities face, especially regarding personal matters. Gauri and Shah Rukh’s interfaith marriage remains an inspiring example of love, mutual respect, and individuality in a modern relationship.