New Delhi: The wait for the 10th installment of the Pradhan Mantri Kisan Samman Nidhi Yojana is all set to end soon. Eligible farming families will get Rs 2000 in their bank account.


If you are also waiting for the 10th installment of Rs 2,000, then it is most likely that the money might come into your account anytime by the end of this month. But how do you find your name in the beneficiary list? Here’s the process.

To check your name in the list of beneficiaries of the PM Kisan, first of all you have to visit the official website of PM Kisan Yojana Here you will see the option of Farmers Corner. Within the Farmers Corner section, click on the option of Beneficiaries List. Then you have to select your state, district, sub district, block and village information in the list. Have to click on Get Report. After this, the full list of beneficiaries will be revealed.

If you too are waiting for your amount of Rs 2000 and you have not got your name in the list, do not worry. You can call PM Kisan Samman's helpline on 011-24300606 and file your complaint.

In a financial year, PM Kisan installment is credited thrice through --Period 1 from April-July; Period 2 from August to November; and Period 3 from December to March.

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