New Delhi: Ayushman Bharat Health Account (ABHA) is an account/ number used to link all the health records of a person. ABHA intends to create a digital health ecosystem & aims to promote digitization of healthcare. Any individual can enroll in Ayushman Bharat Digital Mission (ABDM) to generate a Health ID or ABHA, free of cost.


Ayushman Bharat Health Accounts is an integral component of the Ayushman Bharat Pradhan Mantri Jan Arogya Yojana (AB-PMJAY), which is India's flagship national health protection scheme. ABHA is designed to facilitate cashless transactions and manage financial aspects related to healthcare services under the Ayushman Bharat scheme.

Ayushman Bharat Health Account: Check Steps to Create or Link ABHA number with the CGHS beneficiary ID:

You must ensure that your mobile number is linked with the CGHS card. You must also ensure that the Aadhar card is linked with the same phone number as your Aadhaar linked one.

Step 01: Open CGHS website and Log-in via Beneficiary Log-in

Step 02: Move to the ‘Update’ Tab and Click  ‘Create/Link ABHA ID’

Step 03: In front of the “Beneficiary Name” An option shall be visible ‘Create/Link ABHA   ID’. Click on that option.

Step 04: In case a you are a CGHS beneficiary and not have an ABHA number, click on ‘I don’t have an ABHA number’

- Enter Aadhar number

- Accept the Consent Message

- Click on Get Aadhar OTP

- Enter Aadhar OTP

- Click on ‘Verify OTP’

If the data is successfully matched, the ABHA number is created and successfully linked with the CGHS beneficiary ID. 

In case a beneficiary already has an ABHA number, In step 04, instead of clicking on ‘I don’t have an ABHA number’, enter the 14 digit ABHA number and proceed by verifying OTP.