New Delhi: The Unique Identification Authority of India (UIDAI) recently added a new security feature for your Aadhaar called the ‘Masked Aadhaar’.


The Masked Aadhaar, as the name suggests, lets the user opt for an Aadhaar card which does not give the details of all the 12 digits of the Aadhaar number. It only shows the last 4 digits of the Aadhaar number while the remaining 8 digits are masked or veiled.  

You can use Masked Aadhaar for KYC where sharing Aadhaar number is not necessary.

The Masked Aadhaar has to be obtained through e-Aadhaar which is a password protected electronic copy of Aadhaar. It is digitally signed by the competent Authority of UIDAI. As per Aadhaar Act, e-Aadhaar is equally valid like Physical Copy of Aadhaar for all purposes.

How to download it

  • Go to
  • Choose your Preference: Regular Aadhaar or Masked Aadhaar
  • Punch in your unique ID details like your Enrolment ID, Aadhaar Number and VID
  • Fill in your name and pin code details
  • Now you will have to generate an OTP
  • The OTP will be sent to your registered mobile number
  • Once you recive the OTP, punch it again and now you will be able to download your Masked Aadhaar