Horoscope Today, September 15 By Astro Sundeep Kochar: Libra, Follow Your Ikigai!

Daily horoscope predictions: Check out the astrology forecast for all 12 zodiac signs by ace astrologer Dr Sundeep Kochar. As you begin a new journey, find out what the stars have in store for you today. There are twelve zodiac signs and each has its distinct features. Be it, Aries, Taurus, Gemini, Cancer, Leo, Virgo, Libra, Scorpio, Sagittarius, Capricorn, Aquarius, and Pisces — each of the signs has something unique to tell.  The astrological predictions are by Dr Sundeep Kochar. (Pics courtesy: Representational photos)

Zee News Sep 15, 2023, 07:47 AM IST,


Aries, this isn't a tale of yearning, but one of love, fervour, and aspiration. It's about witnessing your wildest dreams become tangible. The cosmic dialogue whispers of abundant reasons for gratitude. Now is the time to delve into deeper intimacy, sharing your joint vision of the future. Starting to reveal vulnerability might not be simple, but every journey begins somewhere.




Relax, Taurus. What's rightfully yours is unassailable. So, ease your tension and embrace the flow. The Universe guides you into the realm of miracles, holding your hand. Don't fret over intentions that fail to materialize. Divine protection shields you from what doesn't align with your highest good.



For those feeling stuck, Gemini, good news awaits with the arrival of Virgo season. Change is in the air, breaking through stagnation. Remember, you can't dictate how change unfolds. The flawless divine plan challenges you to embrace the unknown beyond your comfort zone. Remember: adapt and flow.



Doubting yourself isn't your path, Cancer. Don't dim your light for others. Shed the cloak of invisibility and shine boldly. Speak to your inner self, step into the world radiantly, and share your unique gifts fearlessly.



Pain isn't purposeless; it reveals hidden talents and awakens inner power. Reflect on this, Leo. Share your gifts, inspire change, and pursue your Ikigai for wealth and abundance.




Avoid rushing to fill voids, Virgo. Don't settle for less or return to disrespect. You deserve the best. Seek joy, beauty, and fulfilment within. Liberation comes from realizing that what you seek is already within.




Feel like a domestic deity today, Libra! Decorate, practice kitchen magic, and create an empowering space. Consider workshops and hobbies that align with your purpose. Follow your Ikigai.



Remember, your soul chose this journey, Scorpio. Embrace growth, healing, and potential. Shift from victimhood to conscious creation. Your heart alchemizes wounds into wisdom. Trust your protection.



Spirit grants you wisdom, Sagittarius. Gratitude for gains and losses is key. Move through life lightly. Have faith; it will work out. Leap knowing the Universe is in your favour.



Life's rhythm isn't against you, Capricorn. Trust the process; what crumbles protects you. Use your adaptability to turn situations in your favour.



They see you, Aquarius. They inspire growth, encouraging your empowered self. Trust the potential in this connection. Share your vision; the Universe supports your elevation.




Remember, Pisces, today's best is enough. Embrace rest and rejuvenation. Seek therapy, spa time, or creative expression. Honour your need for self-care and tranquillity.


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