Mason Greenwood to Cristiano Ronaldo: Top footballers who have been accused of rape, in pics

Manchester United and England star footballer Mason Greenwood was on Sunday (January 30) arrested on suspicion rape and assault as part of an ongoing police investigation into allegations made on social media. Greenwood's alleged girlfriend Harriet Robson accused the star forward of sexually assaulting her and subjecting her to domestic abuse. In these collection of pictures, we take a look at top footballers like Cristiano Ronaldo, Neymar and Karim Benzema, who have been accused of rape.

Zee Media Bureau Feb 01, 2022, 09:57 AM IST,

Mason Greenwood

Manchester United and England star footballer Mason Greenwood was on Sunday (January 30) arrested on suspicion rape and assault as part of an ongoing police investigation into allegations made on social media. (Photo: Reuters)


Cristiano Ronaldo

Manchester United and Portugal striker Cristiano Ronaldo was accused of rape by Kathryn Mayorga, a former teacher and model, in Las Vegas back in 2010. (Source: Twitter)



In 2019, a woman filed a police report accusing Paris Saint-Germain and Brazil star Neymar of rape. According to reports, the alleged rape had taken place in Paris. (Source: Twitter)


Karim Benzema

In 2014, Frank Ribéry and Karim Benzema, two of France’s biggest football stars, were acquitted by a Paris court on charges of having sex with an underage prostitute. However, both Ribery and Benzema denied the assault: knowingly paying for sex with Zahia Dehar when she was under 18. (Source: Twitter)


David de Gea

Manchester United and Spain goalkeeper David de Gea was implicated in a sexual assault investigation in Spain. De Gea was accused of setting up encounter between players and women. (Source: Twitter)


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