In a bizarre incident, a girl dressed as a movie character boarded a metro train, reportedly on Noida's Aqua Line connecting Noida to Greater Noida. The video is being widely shared on social media platforms, most notably on Twitter. As seen in the video, a girl is dressed as 'Manjulika', an iconic character played by Vidya Balan in movie Bhool Bhulaiyaa starring Akshay Kumar in the lead role. The girl is seen enacting the character in one of the metro coaches, trying to scare the passengers. In one instance, the girl comes close to a boy sitting in the corner seat with his headphones on, and pushes him away from the seat, only to sit at the same spot herself. 


Later, a guy dressed as a character from popular Netflix series Money Heist also boards the metro train, wearing a red coloured suit with white mask. Many Twitter users suggested that they were making an Instagram Reel on the Metro. The video has since received mixed reactions from Netizens, and people have asked metro authorities to ban such people from metro.

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What's the reality?

However, the reality is that both the girl acting as Manjulika and a boy dressed in the Money Heist dress are part of a promotional video by a Indian electronics brand. While the campaingn is already live, this behind-the-scene video has been making the rounds of internet since a couple of days, with people passing it as an actual event. 

Clarifying the situation, Noida Metro authority said in a statement, "This is to clarify that video going viral on various Social Media Platforms is a part of a commercial advertisement shooting which was held on 22.12.2022 under approved NMRC Policy."

Similar instances

Both Delhi and Noida Metro see instances of fights on a regular manner. There have been reports of proposals, dance performances and skits, on the metro trains as well. In December 2022, a man took a ride on Delhi Metro wearing a yellow towel with a vest. The viral clip showed several commuters, mostly young women, bursting out in laughter as the man walked up and down the coach.