Vande Bharat trains will now be cleaned in 14 minutes following the announcement of a '14-minute miracle' by the Indian government. The Indian Railways is rolling out the new cleanliness program with the aim of quickly cleaning the premium trains at their destinations. The scheme started on October 1 as a part of the Swachhata Hi Seva campaign at the Delhi Cantt Railway Station and will be followed for the Vande Bharat trains throughout the country.


Union Minister of State Rajeev Chandraekhar, recently shared the video of the 14-minute cleaning in the Vande Bharat trains via his X (formerly Twitter) account. Sharing the video, he called the initiative a "brilliant showcase" of Swachh Bharat Abhiyan (the cleaning campaign for India.) He added, "Kudos to hardwork and dedication of Vande Veers – the team of Railway staff who carried out the task (sic)."

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The project is modeled after the quick cleaning techniques used in Japan's bullet trains, which can be completed in 7 minutes. High-ranking officials in the Ministry of Railways informed news agency ANI that a procedure that used to take three to four hours will now be completed in less than 15 minutes.

As evident from the video and as per announcement earlier, to ensure swachhata, the process includes sending employees into coaches to dry and wet mop the interiors and exteriors of the vehicles as well as to collect garbage bags and dispose of waste in an appropriate manner.

It is noteworthy that in January of this year, Railways Minister Vaishnaw had suggested a change in the manner India's luxury trains are cleaned. As soon as it is effective and completely operational, the Railways intend to spread the same effective cleaning technique to all trains.