New Delhi: In an unfortunate turn of events, popular Tamil actor Siddharth Gopinath's wife Smrija allegedly committed suicide on Tuesday. The actor's wife was found hanging from the ceiling of her room, as per media reports. The actor and his wife had a heated argument before Smrija took his extreme step, reportedly.


The incident took place at their house in Maduravoyal. The duo was married for three years.

Tamil news portal quoted an official from Maduravoyal Police Station as saying, “The couple had gone out last night and after coming home, they had an argument over a personal issue. Looks like the argument went serious that led the woman to hung herself to a ceiling fan late in the night, while her husband was asleep in the hall. We got the information only by today morning. The investigations are on.”

Siddharth Gopinath was seen in 2015 hit Yagavarayinum Naa Kakka.