New Delhi: Tamil director Palaniswamy Ganesan, better known as his stage name C Sivakumar, was found dead under mysterious circumstances in his apartment in Saligramam, Chennai, on Thursday. As per reports, his house in Venkateswara Nagar in Virugambakkam was locked for two days and the neighbours alerted the police after they felt an odour from the house.


The director's body was found in a decomposed state and police has launched an investigation to find out what led to the death, said the report. The last rites of the filmmaker is expected to take place only once the police investigation gets completed. 

The police is suspecting that Sivakumar suffered a massive heart attack while he was watching the television on Thursday night at his residence. However, an official confirmation about the same is awaited. The police have sent the body for post-mortem and are waiting for the report. 

Sivakumar was known for helming films like 'Ayudha Poojai' and 'Rettai Jadai Vayasu' featuring Ajith. The 46-year-old filmmaker had worked earlier as an assistant-director in his initial days.