Mumbai: Actor Aditya Roy Kapur on Tuesday hinted that he is single, by posting a photograph of himself in a T-shirt which read "single". As soon as he uploaded the image on Instagram along with a caption "the single life", his friends from the film industry called him a liar.


Actor Arjun Kapoor wrote: "Chal jootha", while actress Parineeti Chopra called Aditya's caption a "big lie".

Earlier this year, on Karan Johar's "Koffee with Karan" season 6, Aditya said that he is not dating anyone and that he is just "chilling".

However, the buzz is Aditya has been dating Diva Dhawan. 

So when filmmaker Karan asked him about his equation with Diva, Aditya had said: "She's a lovely girl and an old friend. We met at a fashion show many years ago and we are good friends. We went out for dinner one night at this famous restaurant that everyone is going to nowadays, Bastian. So we got papped and stories started."

On the work front, Aditya will be next seen in movies "Kalank" and "Malang".