Buenos Aires: Three out of 10 Argentines snub Jewish neighborhoods and almost half would not marry a Jew, according to a poll published in the Latin American nation with the largest Jewish community.
A total 82 per cent believed Jews seek "to do business and make money," and almost half said "they speak about the Holocaust too much," according to the survey of 1,510 Argentines aged 18-65 by the Germani Institute of the University of Buenos Aires. "This study reveals that anti-Semitism is very present in Argentina and that it`s due to ignorance," said Aldo Donzis, president of DAIA, the umbrella organization of the Jewish community which ordered the survey.
Argentina, which is more than 90 per cent Catholic, is home to more than 300,000 Jews, out of a population of 40 million.
The local Jewish community suffered two deadly attacks in the 1990s: a bomb attack on the Israeli embassy in 1992, leaving 29 dead and 200 hurt, and another on the AMIA charites center, which left 85 dead and 300 wounded in 1994.