New Delhi: Attacking the government over the poverty estimates report, BJP on Wednesday said "World Bank people" were sitting in the Planning Commission who were unaware of the realities of rural India. "Those who are occupying posts in Planning Commission have not gone to villages. they have seen only the greenery of golf course. They do not know the reality of the situation," BJP spokesperson Shanawaz Hussain told reporters outside Parliament. Lok Sabha HAD witnessed uproarious scenes over poverty estimates report by Planning Commission.
"World Bank people are sitting in Planning Commission and Chairman of the Commission is Prime Minister himself," Hussain said.
Questioning the report, BJP leader said, "As per the report people living below poverty line have to survive on Rs 22 or Rs 26. These people (Planning Commission members) should be asked to survive in that amount for day and then they will realise the situation."
Terming it as an insult to the poor, he said government is making "a joke" of the issue.
"While on one hand Congress is talking of bringing food security bill on the other hand, it is making joke of poor people," he said.