New Delhi: The city government was asked on Thursday by the Delhi High Court to get examined the feasibility of allowing other vehicles on bus rapid transit (BRT) corridor within six weeks either by CRRI or NHAI. A division bench of Acting Chief Justice A K Sikri and Justice Rajiv Sahai Endlaw directed the government to file by May 16, the expert body`s feasibility report on opening the BRT for other vehicles. The court passed its order after Delhi government counsel Zubeda Begum informed it that a proposal has been sent to the Central Road Research Institute (CRRI) and the National Highway Authority of India (NHAI) for their consent.
The government said it has asked them to respond in two weeks and soon after obtaining their consent, it will pick one of them to conduct the feasibility study.
The bench, in its order, said the expert body, during the study, can allow cars and three wheelers to ply on bus lane on experimental basis and make a comprehensive assessment.
The bench made it clear that the petitioner will also be allowed to participate in the survey.
The court was hearing a petition by a civil society Nyay Bhoomi, which had pointed out that there are over 73 lakh vehicles on Delhi roads, in comparison to 32,000 buses.
The petitioner had demanded that for smooth traffic flow on the 5.7 km Bus Rapid Transit (BRT) corridor between Ambedkar Nagar and Moolchand flyover, the government should not restrain private vehicles from plying on the bus lane.
The bench, yesterday, had rejected the government`s suggestion for study by RITES, saying "the BRT was designed by RITES. Let another organisation conduct a fresh study on it."
The bench had also rejected a report, prepared in February 2009, 10 months after the corridor was launched in April 2008, that the traffic situation on the corridor is much better due to BRT.