Damascus: A convoy of UN observes in Syria came under fire while touring al-Qusair area near central Homs province on Sunday, local media reported.
None of the observers were hit or injured, the report said, adding that minor damages were caused to one of the convoy`s vehicles. After the shooting, the convoy returned to Homs without carrying out its planned tour, reported Xinhua.
The latest attack is the third targeting the UN observers since their arrival.
On Friday, a UN convoy was stoned while heading to the suburb of Dumair, northeast to Damascus, before it reached a military checkpoint at the entrance of Dumair, witnesses said, adding that one of the UN vehicles was slightly damaged with smashed window. However, none of the observers was injured. Last Wednesday, a roadside bomb ripped through the UN convoy while it was en route to southern Daraa province, injuring eight members of the accompanying security forces.
On Saturday, the European Union sent 25 armoured vehicles to ensure the safety of the observers.