Hyderabad: A meeting of Andhra Pradesh Cabinet, held on Saturday after a gap of more than two months, saw the abstention of at least four ministers, while another marked his attendance and left in a huff.
The Cabinet meeting, chaired by Chief Minister N Kiran Kumar Reddy, was held in the State Secretariat, which saw ministers from Telangana region re-enter the State Secretariat after nearly four months. The previous meeting of the Cabinet was held in the Chief Minister`s camp office on August 16 as the ministers from Telangana had refused to enter the Secretariat till the demand for a separate state was conceded.
Panchayat Raj Minister K Jana Reddy, who is leading the Telangana struggle within the ruling Congress, did not attend today’s Cabinet meeting as he remained in New Delhi reportedly on "official work" related to his ministry. Information Technology Minister Ponnala Lakshmaiah, who has been facing the Telangana heat for not taking an active part in the movement, has not yet returned from the United States after attending an official conference on Telugu language late last month.
Mines and Geology Minister Galla Aruna Kumari could not attend as she was said to be down with viral fever. Animal Husbandry Minister P Viswaroop too skipped the Cabinet meeting due to the death of a close relative, official sources said.
The controversial Textiles Minister P Shanker Rao, who is in the eye of a storm after having made allegations of corruption against many of his colleagues in the Cabinet and who himself is now facing a probe by the state Lokayukta on different issues, left the Cabinet meeting in a huff after marking his attendance, the sources added.
Shanker Rao, in fact, has not been seeing the Chief Minister eye-to-eye after having accused the latter of "shielding the corrupt ministers".
This was only the second meeting of AP Cabinet in the last four months, which is otherwise held once every fortnight.