Pune: Maharashtra Chief Minister Prithviraj Chavan has said that Pakistan`s changed strategy of taking recourse to terror attacks against India after the 1971 war and the post-Kargil scenario demanded a constant vigil by the country`s intelligence agencies.
"It is imperative that our intelligence agencies are on constant vigil in the post-Kargil scenario. Pakistan`s strategy has been to engineer terror attacks which also targeted the country`s financial capital", Chavan said here last night.
"India`s growth rate is not going down well with the neighbouring nation", the chief minister also said at a function for release of the Marathi translation of `Tinderbox- The Past and Future of Pakistan` authored by noted journalist M J Akbar. It is important to promote people-to-people dialogue and strengthen economic ties to create a harmonious relationship with the neighbour, he said, adding that Akbar`s book throws light on the historical aspect of the Indo-Pak relationship.
Akbar, who reviewed the Indo-Pak relationship in its historical and current context, said Indian Muslims felt secure in India and he asserted "I am a proud Indian Muslim". The country`s progress depended on its democratic structure, secularism, gender equality and inclusion of the poor in its growth, the author said.
The Marathi translation of the book is part of a project undertaken by `Sarhad` organisation to promote harmonious relations and better understanding with Pakistan.