New Delhi: A Delhi court on Friday decided to frame charges against seven persons, including four MCD officials and a firm for their alleged roles in the CWG street lightning scam, on February 27, saying it has found prima facie evidence against them. Special CBI judge Pradeep Chaddah said a prima facie case exists against the accused persons and "let the charges be framed accordingly". The persons who face the charges in the scam are MCD Superintendent Engineer D K Sugan, Executive Engineer O P Mahala, Accountant Raju V and civic body`s tender clerk Gurcharan Singh besides Director J P Singh and Managing Director T P Singh of private firm Sweska Powertech Engineers Pvt Ltd, who were allegedly illegally favoured in the award of street lighting contract.

Another accused Mehul Karnik, an employee of Philips India Pvt Ltd, has, however, been discharged.


The CBI had booked then under section 120-B (criminal conspiracy), 420 (cheating), forgery under IPC and various provisions of the Prevention of Corruption Act.

The street lightning scam is one of the ten CWG-related scams being probed by the CBI.

The agency had in its charge sheet alleged that in view of the 2010 Commonwealth Games in Delhi, the MCD had decided to upgrade street lightening to international standard.

As per the CBI charge sheet, tenders were invited by the civic agency in 2008 and five companies, including Sweska of only three companies.

After opening of the tender and announcing of the rates by accused Sugan, certain cuttings and interpolations in the tender papers of Sweska were made and amount quoted by it was increased, said the CBI in its charge sheet adding that this led to a wrongful loss of Rs 1,42,83,000 to the government and corresponding wrongful gain to the accused persons.