Beijing: A Chinese man convicted of killing a young woman and her three-year-old brother after his offer of marriage was refused was executed today in Zhaotong City in south-west China, amid a public outcry demanding his death.

Changkui, 29, pleaded guilty to raping 19-year-old Wang Jiafei before killing her and her brother Wang Jiahong in the village of Yingge in May 2009 in Yunnan.
Li was executed by the Zhaotong Intermediate People`s Court after the Supreme People`s Court (SPC) approved the death penalty, Court said in a statement.
The execution came after the Yunnan Provincial Higher People`s Court sentenced Li to death in August, after he was tried for the third time. The sentence overturned a lenient one made by the same court, which sparked public outcry demanding that Li be sentenced to death.
The SPC supported the verdict the Provincial Higher Court made after the second retrial, saying that all the trial procedures were conducted according to the law, and the facts were reliable, clear and sufficient, and the conviction and measurement of Li`s crimes were accurate and proper, Xinhua reported. Months earlier, the Provincial Higher Court in the second trial had given Li the death penalty with a two-year reprieve, almost tantamount to life imprisonment in China, overturning the death sentence made by the Zhaotong Intermediate People`s Court in July last year.
The Provincial Higher Court said the second retrial was made after the relatives appealed to the court.