New Delhi: BJP on Tuesday said it did not want to create any logjam in Parliament and maintained it had decided to boycott only Home Minister P Chidambaram and not the government.
"There is no logjam in Parliament. We are all interested in Parliament functioning. We are all interested in worthwhile debates in Parliament. And if the government does not create problems then we can look forward to a very useful session of parliament," said BJP leader Yashwant Sinha. On being asked if the BJP`s anti-Chidambaram stance will not scuttle the current winter session of Parliament, Sinha said, "it is not so... because we have picked up Chidambaram alone and not the government."
BJP also hoped there would be floor coordination with the Left in Parliament, as "broadly agreed upon" between them, to present a collective fight of the united opposition against the "wrong" policies of the government. He said the BJP wanted Parliament to function and government should agree to their "reasonable" demand for discussions on price rise and black money.
Sinha reasoned out for bring the adjournment motions on black money and price rise saying, "there is no adjournment motion in the 15th Lok Sabha so far. This is a very reasonable demand of the opposition that an adjournment motion should come in this session."
Asked what the BJP`s stand would be if the government did not agree to their demand, he said, "We will press for the adjournment motion. We will continue to reason with the government to accept our adjournment motion on illegal black money."
He said, "The presumption is that the House will not function. I don`t buy this argument that the House will not function. We will all try our best to ensure that the House functions. Because, we have issue after issue on which we can put the government on the mat. Why should we not want the House to function?" PTI