Mumbai: Taking exception to MNS chief Raj Thackeray`s outburst against north Indians, the Samajwadi Party today lodged a complaint with the state election commission, saying he was trying to vitiate the atmosphere ahead of Mumbai civic elections.
A delegation of Samajwadi Party today met State Election Commissioner Neela Satyanarayan and asked her to take note of the MNS chief`s remarks against north Indians.
Thackeray had yesterday targeted north Indians, saying they cannot be allowed to "bully" the people in Maharashtra where Marathis should always get priority.
"I am not against any region, but in Maharashtra Marathis should always get priority. You (north Indians) cannot come from 2,000 km and bully people here," he said.
These migrants "carelessly drive autos and taxis in Mumbai. They only behave properly once we beat them up," Raj had said at an interactive session late last night. Referring to vegetable vendors from "outside", the MNS chief said, "I will ask Marathi youth to sell vegetables. Stop buying vegetables from these outsiders."
Meanwhile, in a veiled attack on nephew Raj Thackeray, Shiv Sena chief Bal Thackeray said the nephews in politics have always tried to emulate their successful uncles.
"There is always this desire to be equally successful. Having seen the crowds, the adulation, it is but natural that one will harbour a desire to emulate that," Thackeray said in an interview in party mouthpiece "Saamana" here. PTI