New Delhi: Two-year-old Falak, who is battling for life at a hospital here for the past 41 days, is finally responding to treatment as doctors attending on her today said she is now better than earlier but still critical. "She is moving her limbs and partially opening her eyes on her own which she earlier did only when we applied painful stimuli. It is over four hours since we put her off the ventilator and she is breathing on her own," said Dr Deepak Agarwal, who has been attending on her since January 18, when she was admitted at AIIMS Trauma Centre in a battered state. "Despite this, she is still critical but stable. We can rule out her critical state only after she is able to stay without artificial respiration for a stretch of three to four days," he said.
Falak was brought to the hospital with severe head injuries, broken arms, bite marks all over her body and cheeks branded with hot iron. She has undergone five life saving surgeries from the day she was admitted at the ICU of the Trauma Centre.
With the nature of injury suffered by her at this age, it will take her some time to recover, Dr Agarwal said.
Moved by the plight of Falak, Indians as well people from the US and Canada have approached doctors, expressing their desire to adopt her.