Washington: US President Barack Obama called on outgoing French President Nicolas Sarkozy and thanked him for providing a hand of friendship to America and partnering with it in challenging times, apart from providing a strong leadership to France.
"He expressed his appreciation for the valued cooperation that has characterised the relationship between the two leaders since January 2009," White House Press Secretary Jay Carney said in a statement. "President Obama said that he and Mrs Obama extend their very best wishes to President Sarkozy and his wife Carla in their future endeavours," Carney said.
On Sunday, Obama had called the French president-elect Francois Hollande to congratulate him on his electoral victory and said he looked forward to work with him on a range of issues.
"President Obama indicated that he looks forward to working closely with Mr Hollande and his government on a range of shared economic and security challenges," Carney said. Obama also welcomed Hollande for the G8 and NATO Summits to be held in Camp David and Chicago, Carney said adding that the President also "proposed" to meet Hollande "beforehand" at the White House.
Both Obama and Hollande reaffirmed the important and enduring alliance between the people of the two countries, Carney said in his statement.